Early Music Television

1492: A Portrait in Music

This one-hour special video, produced for public television, is a musical portrait of the year 1492, with a personal account of Christopher Columbus by his son Ferdinand, his first biographer. The program shows the historic drama of the era as seen though the eyes of Columbus. He witnessed the final defeat of the Moors at Granada, the expulsion of the Jews, and the birth of modern Spain--all during the very year of his historic voyage in 1492. The program also traces the personal struggle of Columbus in persuading King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to support his "Enterprise of the Indies." These great events are brought to life by historic works of music and art.

The music is performed by the Waverly Consort, acclaimed internationally by critics for their lively concerts and recordings of the music. The brilliant soundtrack was recorded digitally to capture the authentic performance styles and subtle timbres of the early instruments. The program was filmed in Spain at historic sites, including the Alhambra at Granada, the great mosque and synagogue at Cordoba, the old University at Salamanca, the Cathedral at Seville, and the Royal Palace at Barcelona. Important works of art, filmed in breathtaking detail, coordinate with the historic works of music.

This beautiful video was produced by the University of Oklahoma in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution, especially for educators to use in the classroom and media library. Written to be engaging both to the general public and to students of history, music, art, language, and the humanities, this program is accompanied by a study guide for classroom use or reference.

Featuring the voices of Miguel Terekhov and Pat Dillehay.

Produced and Directed by Eugene Enrico.
Funded, in part, by Oklahoma Humanities and NEH.

DVD, 58:30

© 2025 Center for Music Television
Eugene Enrico, Director
School of Music
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Tel: (405) 325-3978
Fax: (405) 325-7574