Early Music Television

Antique Organs and Harpsichords of Bologna

Filmed in Bologna at the basilica of San Petronio and the church/museum of San Colombano (The Tagliavini Collection), this program studies the remarkable collection of harpsichords and organs in Bologna, spanning from the 15th to the 18th century. The program presents a brief history of Bologna and its central basilica, San Petronio, focusing on the two historic organs in the cappella maggiore at the north end of the nave. The program also emphasizes the importance of the Tagliavini collection of keyboard instruments, today in its own museum at the church of San Colombano. Hosts for the program are the distinguished organists Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini and Liuwe Tamminga, who describe the unique structure of each instrument and then play a short piece on each instrument, so that the viewer can hear it as it sounds today.

Produced and Directed by Eugene Enrico with Joseph Friedman, Director of Photography. Stefano Albarello recorded the sound. Features an interview with Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini.
DVD, 1:14:00

© 2025 Center for Music Television
Eugene Enrico, Director
School of Music
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Tel: (405) 325-3978
Fax: (405) 325-7574