Early Music Television

Handel's Messiah: A Commemoration

HANDEL'S MESSIAH, a commemoration, allows Dr. Charles Burney, the 18th century music historian and critic, to explain his mixed feelings about the "grandscale" performances of Messiah at Westminster Abby in 1784. The script, written by Kerry S. Grant, Eugene Enrico, and James Yoch, draws from Burney's letters, memories, and publications to tell his story in his own words. Dr. Charles Burney is played by John Casey. Excerpts from Messiah are performed by the Ars Musica baroque orchestra and the Oklahoma Collegium Musicum.

Produced by Eugene Enrico and William Crane.
Funded, in part, by Oklahoma Humanities and NEH.

DVD, 28:30

© 2025 Center for Music Television
Eugene Enrico, Director
School of Music
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Tel: (405) 325-3978
Fax: (405) 325-7574