Early Music Television

Music of Thomas Morley

MUSIC OF THOMAS MORLEY (1557-1602) is a set of music videos selected to illustrate the principal styles of Morley's music. An aggressive television journalist introduces the videos by asking the composer to defend himself against accusations of plagiarism, extortion, and even espionage, all based on historic information. Morley, played by James Slaughter, pleads his case with grace and eloquence. Dance and comedy in the renaissance style enliven musical performances by the Oklahoma Collegium Musicum. Stage direction is by Nat Eek and Choreography by Mary Margaret Holt.

Produced by Eugene Enrico and Dave Smeal.
Funded, in part, by Oklahoma Humanities and NEH.

DVD, 28:30

© 2025 Center for Music Television
Eugene Enrico, Director
School of Music
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Tel: (405) 325-3978
Fax: (405) 325-7574